Beautiful ❤️ I’ve been doing to ‘one word’ outlook for the year for 5 years and that really helps . My word for last year was ‘peace’ and this year is ‘activation!’ Quite the opposite but what I need for one year isn’t what I need for the next ! I love your wise words about the alternative methods and read it at the correct second I needed to ! Happy new year and I’ll look forward to reading more from you 😁

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Love that Lauren 😊 and yes, what we need from year to year can look very different! Good luck with your activation, and thanks for your thoughtful comments ❤️

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Thank you very much for this post! I feel like I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I've never believed in New Year's resolutions and never adopted them as a practice. This doesn't stem from the fact that I have a better alternative, though. I feel like I have to set more clear intentions and/or goals for myself so that I can work towards them. I sometimes wonder if I don't do it because I fear, deep down, that I would somehow fail to reach them.

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Thanks for your comments Doga. Yes, setting ourselves up for failure is never a good idea. I'd say go gently on yourself if you do set some ❤️

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So beautiful, wise, and needed, Vicki. Thank you and wishing you much creativity, connection, and rest.

I don't remember the last time I made official resolutions. I feel as though I'm practicing with and changing patterns and habits throughout the course of a year. I think of New Year's more as a time to reflect and clear space (including literally—in my physical belongings, my digital files, my work systems, my commitments).

I also make a wish list of sorts—things I'd like to see come true. Rather than go a whole year, I make the end date the summer solstice; then I do the same thing when that date arrives, but with Dec. 31st as the next end date. Interesting what magic has unfolded simply by putting things on that list, then continuing to do the day-to-day disciplines and practices.

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Thank you Dana. I love that idea of space clearing (I was just thinking of cleaning my windows today - a rare occurrence, which feels fitting for new year!) And my birthday is the same week as the June solstice, so the mid-year review happens quite naturally for me too. I will ponder the idea of a wish list - that's great 😊

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I love this post. Christmas and New Year has been so busy in my household with family staying, that I have had no chance to reflect, no headspace to think about the coming year. I am choosing to let it unfold over the next few days or so. I like to have a rough idea of where I would like to be heading but there is no getting it wrong or failing as far as I am concerned.

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Thanks Rich. Love this! Same here, it's been a very slow gentle unfolding this year and I'm letting that be enough 😊

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what a beautiful reflection... I love the idea of watching the sun set and then plunging into the sea in the morning. And I really enjoyed the reasons why we find change so hard... makes so much sense. Thanks so much for the recommend!

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Thanks Alana. I also like the fact that my rituals don't require staying up til midnight, which this middle aged body complains loudly about!!

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Yes yes yes... "acceptance, understanding and self-compassion." I too will be in the cold water of a creek this morning... and it's actually where I find and feel these three above.

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Oh fabulous! Enjoy your plunge 😊💙

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Beautiful and fascinating. I love the sound of your ‘rituals’ - great ways to mark the journey through the threshold of time. It’s amazing how many of us now realise, from experience, how resolutions are not the way to go. Not for any real change and certainly not for our wellbeing. 🙏

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Yes. And yet still people keep asking me what my resolutions are!!

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Beautiful! And thank you for sharing my post 🙏🤗 ... looking forward to the unfolding of 2024 🙌🏻

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Thanks Vas. Wishing you an easeful transition into the new year 😊

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